The Barondess/Lincoln Award
The Benjamin Barondess Award was established at a meeting held December 13, 1960, through a suggestion by Dr. John McGowan. Dr. Barondess was a distinguished charter member and former vice president of the Civil War Round Table of New York, and this award was to be presented in his memory. The award, in the form of a copy of a bust of Lincoln, is presented annually at the February meeting of the Round Table "to any person or institution and for any contribution to the greater appreciation of the life and works of Abraham Lincoln as decided upon by the award committee."
Previous distinguished winners of this award have included Harold Holzer, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Craig Symonds, Stephen Oates, Gabor Boritt, William Gienapp, William C. Davis, Gary Wills, William Safire, Gore Vidal, Eric Foner and Sam Waterston, just to name a few.
For more information on the Civil War Round Table of New York and a schedule of upcoming meetings and special events, explore our website, or please contact The Civil War Round Table of New York at our mailing address: 139-33 250th Street, Rosedale, New York 11422. Or, if you prefer, call 718-341-9811 or email us at cwrtnyc1@gmail.com.
Past Winners
2024 - George Rable for Conflicts of Command
2023 - Jon Meacham for And There Was Light
2022 - Ronald White for Lincoln in Private
2021 - Ted Widmer for Lincoln on the Verge
2020 - Joseph A. Fry for Lincoln, Seward and U.S. Foreign Relations in the Civil War Era
2019 - Dan Abrams & David Fisher Lincoln's Last Trial
2018 - Elizabeth Brown Pryor Six Encounters With Lincoln: A President Confronts Democracy and its Demons
2017 - Stephen D. Engle Gathering To Save A Nation: Lincoln & the Union's War Governors
2016 - Jonathan D. Sarna & Benjamin Shapell Lincoln and the Jews
2015 - Harold Holzer Lincoln and the Power of the Press Lincoln and the Power of the Press
2014 - James Oakes Freedom National: The Destruction of Slavery In the United States
2013 - Tony Kushner Academy Award Nominated Screenwriter for Steven Spielberg's Movie Lincoln
2012 - Eric Foner The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery
2011 - Sam Waterston Mr. Waterston has portrayed Lincoln onstage in Abe Lincoln in Illinois in 1993 and onscreen in Gore Vidal’s Lincoln
2010 - Louise Mirrer, Harold Holzer and Richard Rabinowitz Lincoln and New York exhibit at the New-York Historical Society
2009 - Craig Symonds Lincoln and his Admirals
2008 - Brian Dirck Lincoln the Lawyer
2007 - Gabor Boritt The Gettysburg Gospel
2006 - Doris Kearns Goodwin Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
2005 - Harold Holzer Lincoln at Cooper Union
2004 - Stewart Winger Lincoln, Religion and Romantic Cultural Politics
2003 - William Lee Miller Lincoln's Virtues
2002 - George Craig Contributions to Lincoln
2001 - Barry Schwartz Abraham Lincoln and the Forge of National Memory
2000 - William C. (Jack) Davis Lincoln's Men
1999 - Douglas L. Wilson Honor's Voice
1998 - Lincoln National Historic Site Contributions to Lincolniana
1997 - Don E. and Virginia Fehrenbacher Recollected Words of Abraham Lincoln
1996 - David Herbert Donald Lincoln
1995 - Philip S. Paludan The Presidency of Abraham Lincoln
1994 - Harold Holzer The Lincoln Douglas Debates
1993 - Garry Wills Lincoln at Gettysburg
1992 - Mark E. Neely, Jr The Fate of Liberty
1991 - Mario Cuomo/Harold Holzer Lincoln on Democracy Project
1990 - Don Fehrenbacher Abraham Lincoln: Speeches and Writings, 1832 - 1865
1989 - Gabor Boritt The Historian's Lincoln: Pseudohistory, Psychohistory, and History
1988 - William Safire Freedom
1987 - Ralph G. Newman Contributions to Lincolniana
1986 - Lincoln Memorial Shrine Contributions to Lincolniana
1985 - Gore Vidal Lincoln
1984 - Philip B. Kunhardt, Jr. The Abraham Lincoln Encyclopedia
1983 - Mark E. Neely, Jr. The Abraham Lincoln Encyclopedia
1982 - LaWanda Cox Lincoln and Black Freedom: A Study in Presidential Leadership
1981 - Herbert Mitgang Various Lincoln writings
1980 - Harold HolzerPortraits, prints and sculptures of Lincoln
1979 - Louis A. Warren, Curator Lincoln Library and Museum Library
1978 - Stephen B. Oates With Malice Toward None - The Life of Abraham Lincoln
1977 - Stefan Lorant and Mable Kunkel Abraham Lincoln - Unforgettable American
1976 - Floyd E. Risvold A True History of the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln and of the Conspiracy of 1865
1975 - Lincoln Memorial University Publication: The Lincoln Herald
1974 - Arnold Gates Lincoln: Author, Lecturer
1973 - Frankie Hewitt Founder: Ford's Theater Society
1972 - Michael Davis The Image of Lincoln in the South
1971 - David Plowden and Bryan Holme Lincoln and his America
1970 - Victor Searcher Lincoln Today
1969 - Paul M. Angle Portrait of Abraham Lincoln
1968 - Richard Allen Heckman Lincoln vs. Douglas
1967 - Kenneth A. Bernard Lincoln and the Music of the Civil War
1966 - Della Crowder Miller Abraham Lincoln - the Boy - the Man - the President
1965 - Louis A. Warren Lincoln's Gettysburg Declaration
1964 - Lloyd Ostendorf and Charles Hamilton Lincoln in Photographs
1963 - Adele Gutman Nathan Lincoln's America
1962 - Neil Harris Philosophy of Abraham Lincoln
Special Barondess Awards
2009 - Harold Holzer Lincoln President-Elect
2008 - William E. Gienapp Lifetime Contributions to Lincolniana
1978 - National Park Service Carl Sandburg Home National Historic SiteLifetime Contributions to Lincolniana
1977 - Cyrus Gordon Past Chairman. Barondess Award Committee
1976 - Hal Holbrook Actor - Sandburg/Lincoln TV Series
1973 - Julie Harris Actress -- The Last of Mrs. Lincoln